Green Power

With the option of purchasing Green Power, Edisto Electric Cooperative, Inc. customers can now directly reduce the amount of greenhouse gas emitted into the atmosphere.

Green Power is electricity generated from a renewable resource. In this case a landfill that converts methane gas into electric power. The methane gas that would normally be released into the atmosphere – gases that possibly contribute to global warming – will be used as “green power” fuel.

An additional investment of $6 per month on your electric bill for one year buys enough Green Power to equal the environmental benefits of not driving your vehicle for three months. By participating in the Green Power program, you not only ensure its success now, but for many generations to come. Click here for Frequently Asked Questions about Green Power. EPA Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator using 200 kWh/month for the state of South Carolina.

Green Power Pricing
• 100 kWh/1 Block: $3.00 per month
• 200 kWh/ 2 Block $6.00 per month
• 300 kWh/ 3 Block $9.00 per month

There are no restrictions on buying additional blocks. Each additional block costs $3.00.

To sign up for Green Power click here and transform a harmful waste by-product into an environmentally beneficial fuel source for providing electricity. For more information, e-mail or call Edisto Electric at 1-800-433-3292

Please support the following list of businesses that are Green Power Partners:

Need help? Call us at 1-800-433-3292 or email